Monthly Archives: February 2006


Things are not good
in Baghdad

River at Baghdad Burning has an excellent article regarding the Mosque attacked by insurgents posing as police.

We woke up this morning to news that men wearing Iraqi security uniforms walked in and detonated explosives, damaging the mosque almost beyond repair. It’s heart-breaking and terrifying. There has been gunfire all over Baghdad since morning. The streets near our neighborhood were eerily empty and calm but there was a tension that had us all sitting on edge. We heard about problems in areas like Baladiyat where there was some rioting and vandalism, etc. and several mosques in Baghdad were attacked. I think what has everyone most disturbed is the fact that the reaction was so swift, like it was just waiting to happen.

All morning we’ve been hearing/watching both Shia and Sunni religious figures speak out against the explosions and emphasise that this is what is wanted by the enemies of Iraq- this is what they would like to achieve- divide and conquer. Extreme Shia are blaming extreme Sunnis and Iraq seems to be falling apart at the seams under foreign occupiers and local fanatics. [more]


The Artistic Blogger, Issue #3:
The Cartography of Hegemons

Cross-posted from The Dark Wraith Forums.


Special Rejoinder:
In Sufferance of the Permanence of Hell

Earlier this week, I published an article reproducing the text of a proposed amendment to repeal the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Should such a proposed repeal amendment be ratified in the due form and course of such matters, a President of the United States would no longer be limited to two terms. In particular and as a cautionary example, George W. Bush, who is now serving his second term as President, would not be constitutionally prohibited from seeking a third term.

It has been pointed out to me by several readers that attempts to repeal the 22nd Amendment have been made in the recent and not-so-recent past, and all have failed. I shall not be faint in my warning about the here and now. Below is the synthesis of responses I have and will set forth to the earnest suggestions that history mitigates the present.

That previous attempts have been made to repeal the 22nd Amendment is not in dispute. This is precisely the point.

The Democrats of the 109th Congress seem to believe that all things are as they have been in times past, in Congresses of yesteryear, and in manner of progress to a more open society. They hold to old lines of authentic rhetoric, mechanistic proceduralism, and statesmanly patience, all of which might in their day have worked to great and noble ends. The Democrats sail confidently yet perilously close to shallow waters, awaiting the returning tide to lift them from the jagged meanness of their Republican colleagues.

And in this route, they have come to wreckage.

More importantly, the Republic in its growth as a liberal democracy has not been temporarily slowed; it has, instead, been ended. The Republicans set forth action in proposed laws, move forward in aggression, and leave nothing behind for the Democrats to negotiate. Worse, the nation will not, as it has in other eras of excessive conservatism, recover—certainly not for decades, anyway, and perhaps not ever.

The Republicans maneuver outrage into law with the finesse in foreplay of Don Juan followed by the copulatory sensitivity of a Roman Legion battering ram. The Democrats cry as violated victims incapable of vengeance because they want not to lower themselves to the beasts who have taken their dignity.

The Democrats stand flat-footed, as if it is the duty of some ill-define “The People” to avenge their honor; and so they suffer the irresistible and false hope that the pounding of their stolen heart is the hoofbeats of a rescuing knight.

John Conyers is relegated to the outdoors to hold a phony “hearing,” Harry Reid pulls a Senate closed-session desperation play, and Howard Dean energizes the masses of the disaffected with hot language that repairs nothing.


The descent into the abyss continues.

Abortions will become practically impossible to obtain within a decade, military siege will be the instrument of America’s belated and amateurish engagement of a world it cannot perfectly control, evangelical Christianity will speak through both law and regulation, and political thought will run through a filter of wariness and fear of consequences from both private and public thugs.

Yes, it is different this time: Medievalism in the Age of Enlightenment is no longer Medievalism; it is, instead, neo-conservatism; and it wields an iron fist.

Until the Democrats understand this, they will grasp not how to respond in the beginnings of battles; and until they know how to strike at the subtle whispers in the preambles, they will have no hope of saving this Republic…

…if this Republic is worth saving, that is.

The Dark Wraith has spoken.

This article is cross-posted from The Dark Wraith Forums.


Special Poll:
Repeal of the 22nd Amendment

This is yet another in the continuing series of online polls conducted by the Polling Center of The Dark Wraith Forums.

The poll offered is this post might seem to have an obvious answer, one requiring no second thought or qualification. Before making your decision on a response, open the poll and read the question.

An Online Poll by The Dark Wraith Forums Presented at Night Bird’s Fountain
Repeal of the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States



Scientists Speak In Favor Of Evolution

Scientists at a large annual gathering rallied in support of evolution, speaking out against what they call an assault on science from religious conservatives.

A group at the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the largest US gathering of scientists yesterday announced the formation of an alliance to defend evolution.

US scientific leaders have launched a new assault on political attempts to undermine the teaching of evolution in public schools. The American Association for the Advancement of Science, supported by 30 other scientific and educational organisations, adopted a declaration denouncing “anti-evolution” legislation that is pending in 14 states.

Scientists at a large gathering in St. Louis didn’t just defend evolution – they rallied in support of it.

Many at the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the nation’s largest gathering of scientists, spoke out over the weekend against what they called religious pressure in public schools. And they enlisted the help of about 300 teachers from across the Midwest who attended the conference to discuss the national debate over evolution.

“We are not rolling over on this,” Alan Leshner, chief executive of AAAS and executive publisher of the journal Science, told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. “It’s too important to the nation and to the nation’s children.”

And they have taken their battle to a new level, trying to educate high school and even elementary school teachers on how to hold their own against parents and school boards who want to mix religion with science.

While they feel they have won the latest round against efforts to bring God into the classroom, the scientists say they have little doubt their opponents are merely regrouping.

“It’s time to recognize that science and religion should never be pitted against one another,” American Association for the Advancement of Science President Gilbert Omenn told a news conference on Sunday. The AAAS has held several sessions on the evolution issue at its annual meeting in St. Louis.


Special Announcement:
Hell Made Permanent

The following Proposal for Amendment to the Constitution of the United States has been submitted and referred to the House Judiciary Committee.

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the 22nd amendment to the Constitution. (Introduced in House)

HJ 24 IH


1st Session

H. J. RES. 24

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the 22nd amendment to the Constitution.


February 17, 2005

Mr. HOYER (for himself, Mr. BERMAN, Mr. SENSENBRENNER, Mr. SABO, and Mr. PALLONE) introduced the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary


Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the 22nd amendment to the Constitution.

    Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring therein), That the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years after the date of its submission for ratification:

‘Article —

    ‘The twenty-second article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is repealed.’

Note carefully the date of submission as published.

With thanks to contributor Kaiyn at BlondeSense.

The Dark Wraith offers his condolences to the family of the departed democratic and free republic.


Tim, you are offically invited to
A Fundraising Concert in Support
of John Hall
Join Rock n Roll Hall of Fame member John Sebastian with Jimmy Vivino and John Hall

Date: March 16th, 2006 @ 8 pm
Location: Town Crier Cafe, 130 Route 22, Pawling, New York

Tickets $75 per person (show only)
Dinner available by reservation at the Towne Crier Café

John Hall for Congress
Congressional District 19 – New York

To RSVP please contact or (518) 678 9928

Oh, Tim, could you bring your boss too.


Young Boots on the Ground
dedicated to Tim

I am taking my cue from Redd Head at Firedoglake and sharing a post of funny things on the blogsphere.

He is really not making it up over at Blogenlust.

But Blue Girl really wants to know who is raising dicks like cheney.

RoryShock talks about someone bu**sh**ing, but Dell has another idea.

I don’t know anyone who comes up with better captions then this girl.

Buddha has been under the weather, but he still managed to laugh over at his place.

And if I could I stop laughing, I would tell you that someone was directed to Jen’s Donkey O.D. by google, but you will have to read why…it is truly funny.

Finally, PSoTD is nakedly sleepwalking.

If you have come across something funny or just outrageous, could you please share it with me.

Laugh a lot, and when you’re older,
all your wrinkles will be in the right places.


The Artistic Blogger, Issue #2:
Striking Similarity

Submitted for consideration and approval.

the Whittington & the Quail


Senate Rejects Wiretapping Probe

The Bush administration helped derail a Senate bid to investigate a warrantless eavesdropping program yesterday after signaling it would reject Congress’s request to have former attorney general John D. Ashcroft and other officials testify about the program’s legality. The actions underscored a dramatic and possibly permanent drop in momentum for a congressional inquiry, which had seemed likely two months ago.


In December, two Republicans on the committee — Olympia J. Snowe (Maine) and Chuck Hagel (Neb.) — called for a congressional investigation of the NSA program. Yesterday, they supported the move that adjourned the meeting without voting on Rockefeller’s motion.

Folks it’s official. Democracy is dead.

Heretik offers a poem titled 11:59

Meanwhile, The New York Times reports Accord in House to Hold Inquiry on Surveillance whereas, Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas conveys the White House had agreed in principle to negotiate on legislation that would give Congress authority to oversee the eavesdropping.

Sen. Rockefeller, the Senior Democrat on the panel emerged from a closed-door committee meeting fuming and accused Republicans of caving to White House pressure. “Mr. Roberts used the deal to push off a vote on a plan by Democrats to conduct a full-scale investigation of the program.”

But it gets better…el Presidente busho believes it is a really good idea to give control over our ports to Muslim countries…are you asking yourself why don’t we have Saudi Arabia run Homeland Security? The company based in Dubai will have a major role in operating ports in and around New York City. Did you know that Dubai Ports World is owned by the United Arab Emerites (UAE)?

UAE was one of three countries in the world to recognize the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan and it has been a key transfer point for illegal shipments of nuclear components to Iran, North Korea and Lybia. [more at Think Progress]

And lastly…

Digby has a good assessment on what we’ve learned from this business of the vice president getting drunk and shooting an old man in the face.

For instance, the next time somebody accidentally runs over a pedestrian and refuses to talk to police about it until the next day, we should remember that he was traumatized. [more]